While it is true that artistic taste is relative, there are certain
characteristics of artwork that can be assessed as a means of measuring
the artist's success at conveying the intended message or meaning of the
work in question. Art criticism is considered by some to be an art
within itself, but, although each art critique may approach a work of
art uniquely, there is a defined protocol for the discipline of
critiquing a work of art. An art critique is an evaluation of a work of
Evolve the art criticism from a technical description to an in-depth examination of how the technical elements were utilized by the artist to create the overall impression conveyed by the artwork. You do not have to be an art history buff or museum curator to learn how to critique artwork. The following defined methods for critiquing will help you to get it right. Technical elements you need to analyze when you critique artwork include: Color. Shapes, forms and lines.
Use your analysis and interpretation to draw conclusions and reach judgments about the artwork. Explain where you feel the artwork has strong value and where you think it falls short. Describe the artwork's relevance to the art community and people as a whole. Explain why you feel this way. State what you think the artwork's value is.
John Ania is a construction contractor as well as an art enthusiast who loves to critique a good work under a practiced eye.
Evolve the art criticism from a technical description to an in-depth examination of how the technical elements were utilized by the artist to create the overall impression conveyed by the artwork. You do not have to be an art history buff or museum curator to learn how to critique artwork. The following defined methods for critiquing will help you to get it right. Technical elements you need to analyze when you critique artwork include: Color. Shapes, forms and lines.
Use your analysis and interpretation to draw conclusions and reach judgments about the artwork. Explain where you feel the artwork has strong value and where you think it falls short. Describe the artwork's relevance to the art community and people as a whole. Explain why you feel this way. State what you think the artwork's value is.
John Ania is a construction contractor as well as an art enthusiast who loves to critique a good work under a practiced eye.